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the first test thingy

the worship the worship the worship the worship the worship the worship the worship the worship the worship the worship the worship the worship the worship the worship

this is a filler text. how filler is it? well, i don't think i can properly put into words how little i actually am thinking while typing this. like genuinely i could just randomly stop writing coherent sentences and start typing whatever comes to mind at any moment. this paragraph is the equivalent of rice on a plate of chicken, it's not really there to please anybody and it certainly isn't there to compliment the food it's there purely for the reason that something had to be there and that was the easiest thing to do at the time, it's not a cereal-bar level of uncaringness where i dont even bother to make something, i actually am typing this for whoever it is that really bothers to go look here in the first place, but i could very well just paste a bunch of filler lorem ipsum or some random lyrics to a song for the sake of filling up space but hey i think that
Fallout New Vegas

neocity's been invaded by a hippy psychopath

site by skiplet87, (C) 2024, all rights reserved